Do You Need Assistance?

"A nurse offers a helping hand to a cute patient."

“It’s half-price margarita night at Tito’s,” Sandra said, rummaging in her purse as she walked to the front door. “Are you coming?”“You know it!” Gabby smiled. “I just have to close up, and I’ll meet y’all there.”All the girls who...

What Happens On Treaty Station

"Divya can’t tell anyone about her secret alien rendezvous."

“Ambassador Patel, we are approaching Treaty Station,” announced the ship’s AI pilot.“Thank you,” she responded.The ship was a small one. Her position qualified her for something larger, with room for support staff, but she preferred this simpler, automated model. If...

We Have To Keep Quiet

"Remembering a time we had to try not to wake anyone while fooling around on a squeaky twin bed."

It was four in the morning, and I was incredibly turned on. The room was dimly illuminated by starlight and the glowing green numbers on the alarm clock. I could hear rain spattering the window and the soft snores of...