Auntie Sarah Spanks – Part Three

"Auntie Sarah spanks Emma and Holly"

Yesterday was my 21 st birthday and I went out with my cousin Holly and a group of friends to celebrate. Holly and I have become really close over the last year and a bit. Unfortunately the celebration didn’t turn...

Auntie Sarah Spanks Part Two

"Emma is now regularly spanked by her Auntie Sarah"

I was still crying as I washed my face. I could hear Auntie Sarah moving around in the kitchen. I went to my bedroom and looked at my bottom in the mirror. and couldn’t believe how every square inch of...

Auntie Sarah Spanks Part One

"Emma goes to stay with her Auntie Sarah who has re-introduced spanking"

I knocked on the door. I was so looking forward to the next six weeks. I was staying with my Aunt and my cousins over the summer break from University. My cousin Holly opened the door, smiled, and held her...

Caught Lying

"Jeff is caught out and suffers at the hands of his sister's friend"

“Hi Girls, did you get to the shops?” I looked at the two girls. Jessica, my 23-year-old older sister. Caroline, also 23 years old, a friend of my sister. Caroline has one of those do as I say types of...

Spanked For Bad Figures

"Gemma spanks her boss"

“I’m telling you Pete, he’s going to call me in to his office and have me discipline him.” “But he’s in his early forties, and you are only 26. Anyway, you are his secretary. It doesn’t stack up.” “Tell me...

Spanked by Their Housekeeper

"A husband and wife submit to the strict discipline of their housekeeper"

“What time do you call this Matthew?” Zofia snapped.   I froze. The last thing I wanted was an annoyed Zofia. Mind you, I knew she would be. She had told me, very clearly I had to admit, to be...

Spanked by His Wife

"Charlotte takes control of discipline, helped by her Mother- in- Law"

  It was quite a scene. David, my 22 year old brother in law, across his Mothers lap having his bare bottom turned a bright glistening sore red. Her hand rising and falling methodically as she splattered David’s bottom with...

Sarah Spanks Her Lazy Husband

"Sarah spanks her husband to encourage him to help more around the house"

Kevin was still in bed when Sarah breezed into the bedroom. She looked down at her husband of 6 months who stirred, looked up through half opened eyes and asked “what’s up Sarah? Why the racket?” Sarah stood by the...

Spanked by the Boss

"Jeremy is spanked by Julie, his Sales Manager"

I stood outside the office door with David, my Manager. We had been summonsed by Mrs Shute, the Sales Director. I noticed David was sweating. Looking quite alarmed in fact. He looked at me and said “sorry.” I asked “what...

Once Too Often

"Jackie spanks her husband with her sister watching"

I saw the car and was livid. The front bumper pushed in. I was beside myself as I stormed in to the house. I went to the lounge and saw Susie, my sister, sitting there.   “Have you seen Peter?”...

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