Sally’s Mum

"A friend’s Mother explains how she manages to keep control of her 22 year old daughter"

My 22 year old daughter Clare had just got home from her new friend Sally. They had met at a local evening for young singles and got on well. Sally asked Clare to stay over for a couple of nights...

Mrs Howard Spanks Mother and Daughter

"Mrs Howard spanks both Ellie and Marsha as she takes on discipline for the household"

  Mrs Collins brought Ellie home from camp knowing she had promised Mrs Howard she would give her 16 year old daughter a really hard spanking. “Put all your clothes in the linen basket Ellie, and then come straight to...

Mrs Howard Spanks Marsha

"Mrs Howard spanks Marsha, the mother of 16 year old Ellie."

  Mrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?”  She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw...

Mrs Howard spanks Ellie

"It's Ellie's turn to have her bottom reddened by her Mother's cleaner"

16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good...

Retribution Part 6

"Madge and Zoe are in charge, and Hannah and Susie suffer their wrath"

Madge gave the order “right Hannah, you may not enjoy spanking your father but let’s see if you enjoy me spanking you. Susie, I warned you at the airport, you are due a thrashing and Zoe is going to give...

Retribution Part 5

"The mother’s return, and things change when it comes to who is disciplined by whom"

  Zoe continued to be quite the disciplinarian whilst my wife Susie was away, and I was spanked regularly together with Jeff, and now also 21-year-old Hannah. We would each have to go bare bottomed across my daughter’s lap to...

Retribution Part 3

"Zoe has spanking rights over her father,"

  The phone rang. Zoe answered it and I could tell it was Susie. I stayed facing the wall, my trousers and underpants already off, about 5 minutes away from going across my daughters lap for another exceptionally hard spanking. ...

Retribution Part 4

"Zoe gains spanking rights over her friend Hannah"

I looked at Zoe and said “I’ve had seven already Zoe, isn’t that enough?”   Zoe came over to me, grabbed my penis and balls, turned me around, and felt my bottom.   “It is striped and marked, but Mum...

Retribution Part 2

"21 year old Zoe gets spanking rights over her father"

Part Two   My bottom was still sore from 21 year old Hannah’s spanking but the lovemaking with Susie, my wife, had been great.   Susie sat up and looked at me seriously. “About Zoe” she said “When Madge and...


"Two daughter’s demand the right to take action against their disobedient fathers"

I didn’t mind so much being spanked by my wife when it started all those years ago.   Susie was annoyed, claimed I was acting childishly, one thing led to another and I ended up across her lap and had...