The Vampire’s Lover

"A vampire starts to explore submission"

Vampires. They're the lords of the night, the stalkers of the living. Each one was an irresistible pale beauty with powers far greater than any creature who lurked in the darkness. With one simple gaze they can trap you in...

Where Did My Damn Key Go?!

"When buying a cock cage, make sure you know where your key is..."

I have to admit it. I have a slight problem... okay, I have a pretty big problem. But now, I'm going to address it once and for all. And the solution is right in the UPS man's hands as he...

The Perfect Date

"A man reveals his deepest secrets to his date (Commission story)"

A Saturday night was reserved for fun and excitement. Some people get invited to parties or a night at a bar. Some plan out overnight trips to an amusement park or go out of town. Hell, some even get wasted...

Orderly Tales

"An orderly checks on a very interesting mental patient..."

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock...