What I REALLY Wanted to Happen

"Fantasies often complete those things undone in life that you might never try, but wish you had"

Perhaps you, too, have relatives that, occasionally ‘fire your imagination’ with erotic ideas and thoughts. I had a niece who, once during a visit to my apartment, had left the bathroom door open (to this day, I don’t know if...

The Privileged Life

"The Boss introduces his Summer Intern to life among the Privileged Class."

Adrian looked hastily at his Rolex “I don’t want to be late!” he chided himself. He didn’t realize that he had stepped off the curb until the screech of tires and a blast from a taxi’s horn made him jump...

Developing a Taste For It (Chapter 2)

"Now that she HAD developed a taste for it, her appetite became evident."

The next day, Cathie appeared at ten o’clock on the dot; it was something that Addie admired about his wife, her punctuality. He watched from his glass-walled office as she got off the elevator and walked purposely toward her husband’s...

Developing a Taste For It (Prelude)

"The best way to get his wife into a threesome was to get her liking the idea of it first."

“Are you crazy, Adrian?” she said in that stuck-up tone she often used. “Are you on drugs?” “Oh, c’mon, Cathie, don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it.” He said as he poured the martinis. “It’s not like we would...

First Time With a Guy

"You're never too old to experience new things."

A forty-year-old man, nearly 20 years younger than me made contact through a nudist website I belonged to and we began to correspond about things. We exchanged a few pics and discovered that we were both in the same area....

Photographing Emma 2

"Uncle and niece continue to improve their photography AND sexual skills"

She was so nervous… and yet she seemed to have an air of flamboyance, daring, and… well… just having fun. Her hands fluttered against her chest, above the black sleeveless tunic she wore. The hem was mid-thigh and her long,...

My Very First Threesome

"Meeting new neighbors can be an enlightening experience."

I had just finished moving into my new condo and was very hot and sweaty. The air conditioner had not yet been able to overcome the door standing open for two hours as I moved boxes and things. Even a...

A Time of Discovery

"Getting older doesn't mean you can't have new experiences."

Adrian had not had sex in eleven years! Well, at least not in the traditional sense of two people mutually satisfying each other and wrestling in the throes of passion. When his wife passed away, he was at loose ends....

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Stunning In Black

"She may have been his neice, but this photo shoot would bring them even closer."

There is just nothing quite as stunning as a young woman in black. The idea of the basic black dress with a string of pearls is a classic design element that has never seemed to have gone out of fashion...

Orally Yours

"Whether it's your first, or whether it's been long ago, the mouth still does the best job."

Is it just friendship that draws us, Or the lust of us causes, That stirring I felt years gone by? For so many years without it, By someone else? “I doubt it.” Yet awakening is surely nearby.I see you kneeling...