
"Come for the coffee, stay for the view"

The lunchtime rush has long since subsided, I have plenty of tables to choose from. Alone at a low table for two in my favourite coffee house, a welcome respite from the daily grind, I relax into my upholstered chair...

Reed is a lover, a bounder, a rake, Where hearts are wanting, he’s there on the take. In low conversations of hearts in need, Whispered enquiries: “Have you tried Reed?” Effortless grace and boundless urbanity;  He thinks of himself, a gift to humanity. This...

Her heels clacked as she strode purposefully across the parquet floor of the small, independent art gallery. It was late morning, midweek in early November and she almost had the place to herself. She had plenty of time and space...

The Scotch Bonnet

"Whatever you do, don't rub your eyes"

Let's talk about sex and drugs. Two drugs in particular: amphetamines and opiates. Not the dodgy kind you buy from a guy who "knows someone" - no, the natural kind, the drugs that are made inside our own bodies. When...

This has to stop I can't do this anymore I've neglected my life For too long The guilt is too much Please be happy for me I'll always think of you I'm deleting this account I've closed my facebook I've...

Disclaimer: The characters here are all ficticious, as are the events. Any similarities to anyone "real" are purely coincidental.Husband dropped off at the station, kids dropped off at school, Karen lay back on her sofa and logged on. Four unread...

The Student Body

"Sex bridges the generation gap as online friends meet"

I need to open my eyes. Come on, wake up. I blearily blink my eyes. I’m lying on my back; naked in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room. How long have I been asleep? Why am I still wearing...