Where Pleasure Lies

"My first ever love poem, a form that I have struggled with, so I hope you like it."

In the early light of dawn you stir from your rest,  Your body warm and soft, your back against my chest  My hardness rises, into the cleft  Where pleasure lies.Kisses run down your spine, reaching lower, searching,  Reaching and touching,...

With Love from Sylvia (Part 2 of 3)

"Half-way through the month before Sylvia comes to visit, things take an interesting direction"

Following Jenny’s revelation about her friend Sylvia and her gift to us, the next few weeks were full of sexual tension. Not that it went unrelieved, as Jenny and I continued to enjoy the enhanced pleasure of fucking with a...

Getting to know Amy (Part 2)

"I start to find out just what Amy does want."

It was the following week, and once again I had set off on my weekly long walk through the Chilterns. I went out through Shardeloes and up towards Beamond End, then heading off further through open grassland and through some...

Getting to know Amy (part 1)

"I meet Amy and start to understand her needs"

The rain came down incessantly, soaking me to the skin. I’d gone for a walk in the morning, stopped for lunch at a pub that I knew, and was on the way back when the skies opened. Most of the...

O Brave New World

"Jane's adventures in space and time at the end of the World"

It had been the Daily Mail that had first broken the news, shortly followed by all of the World’s media. During the Autumn, scorn had been poured upon the doomsayers who believed in the old Mayan prophecy, that this 400...

Generation Game – Part 3

"Twenty years on, life has sorted itself out - for the good."

2008 I've been lucky in my work and in my life. I moved to a small start-up company 12 years ago, and 5 years ago, we sold out and made enough money to be able to retire comfortably. We now...

The Generation Game – Finally

"After the shock of finding out who Suze really was, life worked its strange way to a happy end"

2008 I've been lucky in my work and in my life. I moved to a small start-up company 12 years ago, and 5 years ago, we sold out and made enough money to be able to retire comfortably. We now...

The Generation Game – Part 2 – Suze

"Years later, I meet a beautiful young woman in Texas, and start a passionate affair."

1988 After a rather messy divorce, which was entirely my own fault, I had been rebuilding my life and trying to avoid the multiple affairs that had plagued the previous ten years. Luckily, in some ways, we had no children,...