Texas Flight Attendant Acts Out Her Exhibitionist Masturbation Fantasy At An Austin Swingers’ Club

"Flight attendant shares layover experiences and her first visit to an Austin swingers club"

As a flight attendant and exhibitionist, I take advantage of my travels to find men willing to indulge me in my fantasy of dancing and stripping nude from my flight attendant uniform and then masturbating to orgasm. It could be...

Texas Flight Attendant and Exhibitionist Strips Nude and Masturbates For Her Husband’s Poker Buddies

"Flight attendant arrives home to find her husband in a mood to show her off to his friends"

I am a real flight attendant for a major US airline but what you wouldn't know from your flight with me is that I am also an addicted exhibitionist.My husband knows this and has, for the most part, supported me...