Our Summer With Aunt Sam Part 2

"Tom and Jules discover nudism"

The next day, things were pretty much normal between Jules and me. I had worried that our interactions would feel weird, but it was really just the opposite. There was a new ease and comfort between us. I was the...

Our Summer with Aunt Sam

"Tom and Jules escape the pandemic and spend the summer with their Aunt"

The wheels of the plane touched down at Portland International Airport, waking my sister Jules who had been sleeping on my shoulder. It hadn’t been that long of a flight from LAX, but the Covid protocols for flying meant we...

Chapter 2 – Tiffany’s Tattoo

"Tiffany's best friend Leena helps her get ready for her new tattoo."

Today was the one-month anniversary of living on my own. Leaving my aunts' home had been harder emotionally than I had expected. While I was only moving from North of Tampa to St. Petersburg Beach and knew I'd still see...

Chapter 1 – Becoming Tiffany

"A teen discovered that choice doesn't have to be black and white"

I guess it's fair to say I'm a creature of personal desire. And while that may be true, I also recognize that without the unique circumstances associated with my upbringing, there is little chance I'd be who I've become.My parents...