Breaking Her In

"She was very difficult to get to know, but once her barriers came down her sexual floodgates burst."

I met her during the summer when I was twenty-four years old. She was nineteen and had just finished her first year of university. She had a job in a lakeside general store, pumping boat gas, selling hamburgers and ice...

When You Get a Thought In Your Head

"A chance encounter leads to satisfying a long neglected need"

Like every work-day morning for the past couple of years my wife left for work without saying goodbye. I had breakfast by myself and then did some maintenance things around the house that took up much of the morning. In...

A Dinner Invitation

"I had wanted her for years but hadn’t found a way to get past the hurdle of her being married."

We had been friends for several years. Not close, intimate friends, but the social contact was regular enough, and, from what I could ascertain, the enjoyment of the contact was mutual. I have to admit that I had always had...

He Never Shut Up

"He sat there talking as I fucked his wife within earshot"

Elaine and Rob have been neighbours of mine since, let’s see, it must be at least eight years now. When they moved in we had the usual new-neighbour get-together for a barbeque and a few drinks but since then there...


"She was an exceptionally small woman and the huge hangup she had about it needed fixing."

Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of...