It Started With a Video… Chapter One

"It started with a video… and the results weren’t what he expected."

Hughes Academy was a bright school for bright students, but after the initial shock of the tougher classes of the first year in comparison to middle school, the second semester was a breeze by comparison. Things seemed easier, and the...

Tommy exhaled as he approached his boss’ limousine. The boss’ daughter wanted to go shopping, again, and it was his turn to provide security for her during her little outing. No one who worked for Mr. Sanchez wanted to get...

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From Babysitting To Oh, Baby

"A reunion between a babysitter and the girl he used to sit yields an unexpected outcome."

Jake couldn’t believe that he was finally going to see his old friend Sarah after so many years. About four years ago, Jake had babysat his neighbor Sarah after school and whenever her parents were gone for the night or...

You Can’t Take the Pleasure From Me

"There's no pleasure I can’t have, since I've found Tranquility"

Samuel navigated his way through the narrow hallways of Tranquility, the Titan class transport ship that he was currently a passenger/crew member of. After about a minute, he arrived at his destination: Elysia's quarters. The crew’s most recent “transport” job...