One Night, One Soul.

"One night with three women changes a man's life forever."

Friday MorningThe heat was almost unbearable but that’s why I had come to Ibiza. I had left rainy London behind and with nothing more than my three piece suit I had taken a taxi to the airport and bought a...

A Welfare Fuck.

"Sometimes looks are deceiving."

I was once at a fancy restaurant with my husband and two daughters. When the waiter put down the plates of food my daughters both made faces and added an “eww”.The waiter smiled and said, “You don’t eat with your...


"Some odd things happens in cellars"

How could he have known what I was before he began to groom me? I was the neighbour, he was the dirty old man, but he had become my sissy, and we both loved our games in his cellar, just...

The Lickers

"When Gretchen decides to tutor Katy, things don't go as she planned."

I had known Katy all her life and she was always a curious girl, sneaking away from her parent’s house to hide in my back yard. She would play with my kids even though mine were a few years older...

Original Sin

"What really happened the day Eve ate the apple?"

Eve had heard the snake before she saw it. It slithered over the grass up to her feet and then turned and went up the tree where the apples hung.“What are you up too, Eve?” said the snake.“Nothing, just looking.”She...

Be Gentle

"Birthday boy gets a surprise"

“Happy birthday to you!” they sang and I blew out the fifty candles on the cake.My stepsister, Faye gave me a big hug and then the rest of the guests lined up for either hugs or back slaps. Five minutes...

Camp Slut

"A Reverend meets a young woman who is not the saint she seems."

Rev. Thomas.Family church camp at Green Lake was easily my favorite week of the year. Folks from all over the state gathered “up north” at a log cabin lodge set among big trees overlooking the crystal clear water. Each family...