Jan 2018 – Meeting 8 Happy To Meet Dean

"We repeated the double penetration routine. Swapping every so often so we both got to abuse both her"

Sally still suffers terribly from her nerves especially when she is due to meet someone new. Despite the fact she has already met Dean and sucked his cock before Christmas seemed to make no difference. Two Gin and Tonics did...

Meeting 5 Being Shared By Adam

"It was amazing to see this guy's thick cock completely enveloped by her pussy..."

Sally spent the whole day fretting about tonight. She must have been sick at least twice and could not settle into anything. She spent two hours getting ready and was still not happy. I told her that she looked sensational....

Nov 2017 – Meeting 7 with my friend Ian

"To my amazement and excitement Sally finished her glass, stood up and walked off with Ian"

Sally is perfect for me, attractive, big breasts, confident and fucks like a whore. To my surprise, it soon became apparent that although Sally has a very strong and confident demeanor outside the bedroom she becomes super submissive in the...