Several years ago my best friend Victor, Vic for short, came to visit from out-of-state - from Arizona actually. We’d been best friends since middle school. One drunken Saturday afternoon, after many years of being very curious about it, I...
Member: mranonymous7
I’d bought a load of junk at a garage sale for resale. When I got the stuff home I went through the boxes sorting out what was sellable and what was trash. As I pulled things out of the boxes...
I married my husband, Curtis when I was nineteen and he was twenty two. Curtis had been blessed with a rather large cock. It was eight inches long and five inches around, the perfect size for sucking. He loved his...
Has anyone ever taken their girlfriend/wife to an adult bookstore? About four years ago back in my male slut days; I posted once about what I did at that Adult Emporium on I-20 in Kennedale. Alice responded by telling me...