Milf In The Mirror

"Mirror, mirror on the wall..."

Traffic crawled to a standstill as the sun sank lower in the sky. Inside his recently purchased, but slightly used, Honda Civic, Jacob sat mumbling expletives under his breath. The sea of brake lights seemed to stretch on forever in...

Milf Or Mermaid?

"Is that a woman swimming or a tempting siren?"

Casey woke to the warm Florida breeze drifting through one of his condo’s open windows. Rubbing his weary eyes, he rolled onto his side and reached for his phone on the nightstand. Groaning that the time was only quarter to...

Little League Milf

"Can Jason round all four bases with a hot baseball mom?"

“Strike two!” shouted the umpire as he watched the pitch fly into the catcher’s mitt, just inside of the strike zone.In the dugout, Jason nodded in approval as he glanced down to mark the count in his coach’s book. Fresh...

Milf Next Door

"Summer sun and a whole lot of hot neighbor."

My eyes burned painfully from the lack of sleep. It had been a long shift, responding to call after call without any rest. I was exhausted, hungry, and downright filthy. My body ached to the point that I just wanted...

Youth And Maturity

"Hot day fishing on the river just got hotter."

The temperature in the shop continued to rise with the mid-morning sun. Ryan had been watching the clock tick, second by second, for the last half hour, begging for his workday to be over with. Stack after stack of heavy...