Caught And Wondering Where My Life Will Go

"I was sitting at home alone feeling very sorry for myself. My wife and I had not been getting alone lately – constant arguing and absolutely no sex."

I was sitting at home alone feeling very sorry for myself. My wife and I had not been getting along lately – constant arguing and absolutely no sex. It was not a busy day at work, so I decided to...

Score 110 110
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2.4k words 2.4k words

I Am Really a Woman Now

"I had experienced so many things as a woman – but there was more than dressing, makeup, hair, nails, and boobies.ions.w thinking emotionally as a woman too."

It was late fall and we had been traveling out west in the motor home for several months. We were headed home for the college football season. I had been Mitzie for several years – so many things had happened,...

Score 110 110
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1.8k words 1.8k words

I’ve Got Boobies Now

"My Transition Continues After Breast Implants"

We have been working my transition plan together. I have been Mitzie full time for over three years. My wife, Helen, and I are living as intimate sisters. Yes, I have been with a guy after having sucked several cocks...

Score 110 110
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1.3k words 1.3k words

Finally, I Pleased A Man

"After several years transitioning, I experienced intimacy with a man"

I had been living full-time as a woman for over three years. My wife, Helen, and I had settled into our life of living together as women. Of course, we still enjoyed intimacy with each other, and we were still...

Score 110 110
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Waxing – Really?

"Oh, Learning the Things a Woman Does"

We have been home several months after our summer-long RV trip. I am femme all the time and have so much fun learning and experiencing things associated with being accepted as a woman. Upon returning home in the early afternoon...

Starting With A Perm

"I had been getting haircuts at a salon for months, but now I experienced my first full salon treatment."

After retiring from the military, my wife, Helen, suggested that I lose my military look and get my hair styled by her hairstylist, Annie. I was not high on this idea and the thought of going to a salon sent...