"“O my gosh! Why did you stop?”"

It all started with that sms, on the 14 February around 11:00am. Judy was just on her way out to get some milk and fruit at the corner shop, when she got the sms.‘I’ll pick you up at 8:00pm. To...

On The Veranda

"I love you"

What a day at the lodge. The sun is just rising above the wild scene. Outside birds are chirping and the leaves of the trees rustle in a light breeze. The cobbling water from the stream provides a soft background...

He is always ready

"If I need it, I want it"

He is always ready..This morning when I got up, I had one thing on my mind. I needed real sex. I only had one man in mind that I knew could give it to me. Without hesitation, I texted Paul....