Marci the Inbetween

"Step Dad's girlfriend teaches daughter"

My name is Marci. I have been seeing a really great guy named Jerry for two years. I stay over at his place on occasion, mostly when his step daughter is at her mother's in Washington. Jerry’s step daughter is...

Muriel III

"From Mistress to Master"

“Caress” was not a typical adult toy store. It was bright and cheerful. Products were on display and well organized. It was not a large store, but they certainly seemed to have a very good selection of products. When we...

Muriel II

"Master provides the freedom of responsibility for Muriel"

Muriel’s Father received word of a significant job promotion; however it would mean the family was going to be moving some 800 miles away. Muriel being a very bright student and in her last year of high school had already...

The Silver Dress

"Sharing leads to caring"

It was Friday night. My wife and I often go out for dinner on Friday night. A new place had opened up not too far from our home. There was a piano lounge in front, and some tables for dining...


"My wife takes an intern"

Muriel is lives a few doors down, and is in her last year of high school. She has a key to our house as my wife and I travel quite a bit. Muriel comes in to water the plants and...

Cottage Story 3

"I didn't know my wife liked to be spanked"

Best to read Cottage Story 1 and 2 as this is continuation in the series….Julie held up the 24” dual headed blue dildo.“Jenny and I love Charlie, he was our lover through most of high school.I know you would like...

Part 2 Still naked the three of us walked the thirty steps or so down to the lake and waded in. The cool water made us gasp but it was refreshing. We were all sticky and sweaty after our intense...

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Summer at the cottage

"Womens studies professor teaches her model student"

My wife and I are teachers at a local community college.  It is the perfect job as it allows us to spend over two months at our summer house on the lake.  We were about to embark on the four...

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Living with roomates

"Girls teach a boy to make love like a woman"

Cara and Lori had been roommates at nursing college, so it seemed natural that they should share and apartment when they graduated. I had been friendly with Lori’s younger sister, in high school. I finished college and got a junior...

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