Housewife In Passionate Love With Young Libyan!

"A beautiful Tunisian Housewife sexually frustrated fell for a young Libyan boy and indulge in passionate sex with him while hubby on business."

My husband is a chief engineer in the petroleum industry. For the last ten years he has been working with a multinational oil company operating offshore production platforms in Tunisia. His job implies traveling to other neighboring countries such as...

How I Fell For A Long-Distance Taxi-Driver!

"My husband landed a job contract in Tripoli, Libya. He asked me to be with him for the trip from Tunisia to Libya. While travelling, I fell for the taxi-driver who was driving us there."

I am a happily married lady, beautiful, seductive, and sexy, aged forty-three. I have four lovely kids, two by my husband and the two others by two lovers I have had.; my husband does still know that all my children...