Winner’s Choice

"What would you choose when given the chance to pick whatever you want?""

“I choose...” Jake paused. “... a blowjob!” It was really pretty stupid on my part, when you think about it. I was wearing nothing but a pair of panties, and I decided to raise the bet by saying ‘If you...

Caught In A Dream

"When dreams become reality"

Slap, slap, slap, slap rang out as Michael's hips hit my ass. I could still taste his saltiness on my lips. Slap, slap, slap, slap. There was no mercy, no letting up. Slap, slap, slap, slap. With each collision of...

In Plain Sight: An Escort’s Story – Part 2

"Amanda loses one job only to find another"

I guess I should have felt some sort of guilt but I didn’t. If anything, I felt exhilarated and I wanted to do it again. And I did. Over the next two weeks my boss became like my boyfriend. He...

The Adventures of Having Roommates

"With Alex taking a long shower Cassie has a solution for Michelle's need to get out of the apartment"

No matter how hard I try I have never been able to beat Cassie running. It’s not a defeatist attitude but rather a simple indisputable fact. Every time we go for a run she crosses some imaginary finish line ahead...

Summer’s End: A Loss Of Innocence – Part 1

"A skinny dip turns into something more than a night time swim for Summer. Will she become a woman?"

“Are you looking at my ass?” “That’s one of those questions like ‘Is my butt fat in this dress?’ that no matter how I answer it I’m going to get in trouble. Right?” “Are you saying my ass is fat?”...