Meeting James Chapter 10 Part 2

"James and Melanie vacation in Mexico."

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous while we walked to the beach. There was a thick grove of palm trees that separated the hotel and pool area from the beach. As we walked down the cobblestone path through...

Meeting James Chapter 10 Part 1

"James and Melanie vacation in Mexico."

I opened one eye and quickly closed it. I was trying to force myself back to sleep, because subconsciously I knew it was way too early to be awake. Fresh, clean salt air from the ocean permeated my nostrils, and...

Meeting James Chapter 9 Part 1

"Melanie and Gianna deal with the aftermath, and meet Tim."

I sat on the large couch in the middle of the suite’s great room, slowly sipping my coffee. My legs were pulled up in a fetal position with my arms wrapped securely around them. I felt so tired from only...

Meeting James Chapter 8 Part 2

"James and Melanie spend an intense evening at the Bellagio."

I watched as James used the keycard to open the door to our suite. I had slept in so late I still felt wide awake. Dancing with Gianna all night had gotten me very worked up and I couldn't wait...

Meeting James Chapter 8 Part 1

"James and Melanie spend an intense evening at the Bellagio."

I felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest as James and I drove west on Route 95 towards Summerlin. Had I been alone in the SUV, I would have texted Gianna to let her...

Meeting James Chapter 7

"Melanie and Flame continue their evening together."

James, Flame, and I were lying in bed together. James had his arms around me, pulling me tight against him, but after several minutes I could tell from his breathing that he had fallen asleep, which left Flame and me...