Oral sonnet

"Cunnilingus in verse"

I caressed her rosy cheekShe said her knees felt weakI asked her not to speakBecause I was going to eat.I knelt in front of her bushy cuntThose vertical lips made my cock jumpI couldn’t wait to use my tongueI would...

Beach heat

"Brianna finds the Toronto beach to be hotter than she anticipated."

Brianna saw her out of the corner of her eye. It was quite the sighting. Spending your day at a Toronto beach was great. Spending a sunny day at a Toronto beach was better. But this blew both preceding alternatives...

Sultana (Chapter 9)

"Turbulent adventures, sexual intrigue, magic and monsters all are set in an ancient desert land."

 Younos Suleiman glowered down at the boy.“You’re blackmailing me, you mangy cur!” he screamed.“Don’t think of it as blackmail, esteemed one,” Younos said, trying not to smile while he thought that ‘mangy cur’ was something his sister had called this gentleman...

Kissing Game

"Antje and Jake redefine kissing."

Antje started making out with me this morning. Plain old making out is stuff we’re used to, so we decided to play a kissing game. One of us would pretend we had the wrong idea about kissing, and the other would...

Sultana (Chapter 6 – Discoveries)

"Turbulent adventures, sexual intrigue, magic and monsters all are set in an ancient desert land."

YounosThe Sultana sat down next to her husband, and cleared her throat. Everyone in the room was paying attention, including her ‘lord and master’.“They are using some manner of battle tactics,” she said. “Even a cursory examination of their sheer...

Sultana (Chapter 7 – Planning)

"Turbulent adventures, sexual intrigue, magic and monsters all are set in an ancient desert land."

 LubnaErach was looking at a likeness of their very own prince Rustum. The princess Lubna was showing an image of the Persian prince, and he deduced that she had painted it herself. The implication was clear.He didn’t know how he...

Queen of the jungle

"Leah searches for her missing roommate, and encounters a wild and mysterious orgy."

Leah stepped out of the elevator. Someone trained in reading subtle psychological tells would have immediately noted her repeated pursing of her lips, and the repetitive manner in which she clutched her handbag, while absently twirling fingers through her long,...