Lola’s Easy Cash

"Her nipples were raw and puffy from being constantly toyed with."

The ecology major couldn't help but rearrange her breasts for the tenth time that hour. It overwhelmed her with anxiety and struggled to stay put on her bed. The room was decorated with led lights and she had her phone...

Love In Every Shade

"“You've been missing my tits for a while, haven't you?”"

Katherine stared at her phone and clutched her luggage. She knew she shouldn't be looking down when she was supposed to be finding her ride in a new place. But she was too anxious not to text her friend and...

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Stepping Stool

"The sight of her feet pics in sandals, ballet flats and heels made you go insane."

You step off the bus and take your phone out of your pocket. Its shiny, metal case glistens under the heavy rainfall as you read your latest text message. A bubble pops into view, with black text detailing what would...