My Stepson’s Wife – Part 2

"It was his birthday, and he only wanted one thing."

Alone at last. My girlfriend had gone in to take her sleeping pill, and my stepson had gone in to pass out. So, it's just me and her sitting around the fire pit. I hadn't seen her since the concert,...

Going to the City Part 2

"The night continues"

I was nuzzling against Papi's chest, both of us naked, waiting for the time to get ready to go to our show. He started stroking my nipples, waiting for each one to peak. He stood up, pulling on a robe...

My Stepson’s Wife

"He should feel bad about this, but he wanted her."

I can't believe I have this woman up against the wall, kissing her perfect lips, her body against mine. When my night started I had no clue this is how it would end up.I had always noticed her beauty, her...

Going To The City-Part 1

"Going to the city with Papi will bring on new surprises."

I was excited, Papi was taking me to a show in the city. I doubled checked that I packed what he wanted me to wear for the night, checking the list diligently. With one last look in the mirror, I...