Elizabeth dreamed her strange dreams. Some were of last night, of watching her stepdaughter and her best friend have sex, of masturbating whilst watching them, then crawling up to her bed and continuing to pleasure herself, all the while sniffing...

Ruth had been friends with Christina for years. Both girls had been collectively known as "the geek squad" at school, boys had shunned them, and the popular girls ignored them. The two girls had birthdays near the same day, so...

Wrong Number 3: A Debt Repaid

"Time for Rachel to repay a debt"

It had been a really shit week for Beth. To start with, her work had been exhausting, another thing was her boyfriend had pressured her to sleep with him, and it had been awful. He'd lasted seconds and she had...

Witches’ Curse

"Lauren is upset at being dumped. So her friends decide to try a ritual to summon a Fairy of vengeance"

Lauren hated getting dumped. Tears streamed down her face as she moaned to her two best friends about her useless boyfriend- no that was wrong, her useless ex-boyfriend. Sitting in a bar, she sipped a Screwdriver as her best friends...

Caught Wet Handed

"The Office prude is caught doing very un prudish things at work."

I walk down the corridor to your office, mad as all Hell. You were supposed to email me an important file over half an hour ago—what could be keeping you?In the office you're not known as Carol, the respected accountant,...

Score 110 110
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970 words 970 words

Wrong Number 2: Her First Taste

"Now her lesbian side has been awoken, Rachel needs to find someone she can seduce."

So much had changed in Rachel's life over the last week. It seemed longer, but only a week ago, Rachel had received a text that had changed her life. Philipa had sent her a message meant for her ex, and...

Score 110 110
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1.5k words 1.5k words