Member: Love4ever
Her Invitation
"The simplest is sometimes the best"
I want to be under you. Come blanket me.Drape my legs over your shoulders. Angle my pelvis up.Slide your cock deep and shallow and deep again. Grind against me.I’ll put my hands on your hips as I rock, matching your...
The Fancy Car
"It was private, but damn, it was chilly!"
I was in a pinch, so my boyfriend’s parents invited me to live with them and seven of their ten children still at home. My boyfriend and I shared a room with his brother, the one with the fancy car...
The Sheets
"Some chores are better completed together."
I washed the sheets today. I asked my husband if he would bring them up from the dryer. We could have taken out the other set, but who wants to struggle with folding the clean sheets anyway?With an armful of...
Morning Comfort
"Sleeping together is one of the greatest intimacies"
I want to curl onto my side, facing away from you, with you curled around me from behind. Slide one arm under my head and wrap the other around me. I’ll snuggle back against you and raise your hand so I can rest...
"Damn that squeaky bed!"
Visiting distant family in rural Rivière-du-Loup, we were given the room with the squeaky bed.In search of some satisfaction, we trekked out to a field of tall grasses and were well on our way to thoroughly exploring each other with hands and...
"That sense of mischief when you’re comfortable with someone"
Would you mind if I squeezed your bum in public? And you me?I’d love the familiarity of you giving a squeeze whenever you could in public. I put myself in your hands.I’d find ways to squeeze your bum right back, you know, and lean my hip against you, rub...