Missed Picked

"A young girl gets invited to a party."

Olivia excitedly opened the envelope from her Uncle Dave. It contained the invitation she was hoping for. It was for his annual Christmas party, which was always an extravaganza.Olivia had been off to college and unable to attend for the...

Cat o Nine Tails

"A woman tells her new boyfriend she enjoys being disciplined."

Ashlie and Daniel were still getting to know each other. On this date, they were indulging in one of Daniel’s passions, not just sailing, which he loved, but the history of sailing. They were touring a 300-year-old frigate tall ship.The...

Carving a Jack-O-Lantern

"Lovers working together"

“Watch it! Seeds are going everywhere!”“Can’t help it, pumpkin’s so full!”“Take that good shirt off.”“Surprise!” Her dropping shirt revealed her naked body. I stripped too. The carving continued. My eyes were drawn to the allure of her sensual body.“What a...

The Roadtrip Surprise

"In which a couple takes an unexpected turn into exhibitionists"

I was reminded of this story in a recent chat room conversation and thought I would share it.We live in the upper Midwest. Much of the countryside is farmland with the occasional small town. In the summer every town has...

The Second

"Jennifer goes on the prefect date with the man of her dreams."

Jennifer was glowing. That’s the only word that described how she felt. She was in her mid-thirties and still single, with many bad dates and relationships behind her. Now she was with the man of her dreams. Always before, whenever...


"A young woman meets someone her grandmother warned her about."

Chenoa and her friends were sitting on the restaurant’s patio having lunch. The patio was adjacent to the park’s main walkway. On this gorgeous spring day, many folks were out enjoying the park. It allowed Chenoa to people-watch, one of...

The Shooting

"Timmy, the hard luck orphan, gets his break"

Summer 1946.It was another hot day. Timmy’s tie was still in his pocket, and his dress shirt was untucked and unbuttoned, with the sleeves rolled up. His bare chest glistened with sweat. This neighborhood of East Los Angeles didn’t help....