Round Trip Ticket

"A near death experience helps passion grow to love"

Jack let out a sigh as the plane gained altitude. It had been an incredible trip. The hiking, skiing on a glacier, beach combing, and, good heavens. the sex, had all been magnificent. It might well have been the perfect...

Resident Slut

"A young doctor can’t resist her powerless patient"

Beth made her rounds from room to room like a zombie. Working on seven hours' sleep achieved in, at best, thirty-minute increments over the previous two days, she struggled to put coherent thoughts together.What thoughts she did have were more...

A thirty-year-old box stares from the top shelf,Calling with memories and heartache.Like a thistle attached to the cuff of his life,The box could not be washed away, nor was it welcome. Hands stained by sun, age and injury,Pry open the box,...

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Punishing Merger

"The CEO bangs out a final negotiation"

They sat in the “neutral” conference room on the sixtieth floor. When Roger had first stepped into the room, he had been taken with the view. There was Lake Ontario, of course, but there was also Lisa Chen, his adversary...

From C-Suite to P-Suite

"A powerful CEO makes it rain"

Lisa fiddled with her phone with irritation. Five texts and three exclamation point emails since she barged into the room just a half-hour ago! All of her reports knew full well not to bother her on a Friday night unless...

Postbellum Spy

"An escaped slave returns to screw the Confederacy"

Priscilla descended the staircase with the eyes of fifty or sixty people upon her. She was in a white gown that contrasted against her deep brown skin. Her substantial décolletage was on display, and her dress opened between her legs,...

A First Night Out

"A cross-dresser and his sexy wife step out"

Stephen’s nipples stiffened and he broke into excited goose flesh as he pulled the sheer white stockings over his freshly waxed legs. It was hardly his first time pulling-on stockings. He had played in women’s clothes — his elder sister’s...

The Oral Office

"POTUS likes her Marine guards very, very close"

The President swirled her way through the state dinner, in her usual style. Charming, ingratiating, and working every political angle in every conversation, like a Lyndon Johnson with tits. Whether they were guests and dignitaries meeting her for the first...

The Hotel Diane

"A married woman takes her pleasure with a younger man"

Scotty saw her at a distance across the open first floor of the Musée D’Orsay. She was climbing the white limestone staircase at the far end, pausing every few steps to take in the golden, giant clock above her. She...