Pre-wedding night jitters

"She helped her friend and ended up helping herself"

Stephanie Pierce lay on her stomach on the bed, legs in the air and hands beneath her chin. “How about this,” she said brightly, “Michael, your meat is so tasty; I have to own the franchise.” Her best friend Kyra...

Sweet Revenge Part II

"Her husband's brother is going to get everything he desires...and guess who'll watch"

They arrived just a few minutes after 8 pm. As Logan introduced Cara he watched the reactions of his brother and sister-in-law. He had imagined they would be disconcerted by the youth and beauty of Cara and was not disappointed....

Daddy’s favorite

"And the boundaries keep crumbling..."

The house looked deserted as it always did these days. As Anne parked in the drive, her mind drifted back. They’d had so many picnics and parties in the back yard over the years but she had some favorite ones...

A Timely Introduction

"A wife learns that pleasure can come in many forms"

We met him at the restaurant down the street. My wife and I were there on a Saturday morning, enjoying a leisurely breakfast. We were down to the coffee and I was talking to her about our oldest daughter when...