Work, Work, Work Part 4 and 5

"Sexy shinny legs at work turn into a good time."

Part 4 She waved away my hand and sat lightly on the edge of the table instead. Crossing her right leg over her left she reached down and took her right heel off and placed it on the edge of...

Work work work…

"Sexy shinny legs at work turn into a good time."

It's first thing in the morning and my office door opened and someone came in just as I was opening an email from my boss. My attention was entirely on my work and I had no intention of addressing this...

Work work work… part 2 and 3

"Sexy shinny legs at work turn into a good time."

Part 2 Of that I had no doubt. This young woman was light on her feet. Staring at the back of those silky pantyhose covered legs my mind drifted to fantasizing. I could all but feel the nylon on her thighs...