Brandon, If only…

"My dreams couldn't compare to what was really going to happen..."

I looked around nervously, I wasn't sure if he had seen me staring of not. I giggled slightly, yes. I was a loner and yes I liked the cute guy in school, well I thought he was cute. Although when...

My first time with him Part 1

"This was my first, I wanted it to be perfect"

Tonight was like no other, yet it was all perfect, and the same as any other time at first. I walked into my room, you were lying on my bed with that silly grin on your face. You thought you were going to “get lucky” but...

Lonely Housewife, Gets Amazing Surprise

"Living with my husband in the army was always so boring, but one day I found that it did have its up"

Living with my husband in the army was always so boring, but one day I found that it did have its benefits too. I am a young women and I don’t find it fair most the time that my husband...