The song she sings belongs to him The voice she listens to as he writes The light that shines her darkest night One verse, a few words of his pen Sets her fire ablaze, without shame She lifts her dress, fingers roam, slide within Reading his thoughts, his desire for her She trembles, whimpers, letting go Back arched, legs open, fingers busy The flow of hot lust between her thighs A swollen bud teased ,wet ,throbbing In a frenzy to feed his hunger as she reads A harmony of notes she creates While fingers plunge deeper into warmth Colors she sees, body tenses, eyes half closed Shudders that ache as she tries her best To read the words that begin to dance Vision blurred, in a daze, a gasp Biting her lips, moaning with need His words for her are unique They are just for her to see Enjoying this moment, every word A gift for her, the one he holds always close Lava explodes as she screams A trio of naughty fingers play As she reaches the final act of his wicked tale Smiling, spent and very pleased
Member: LatinSugar
Bites that mark blood heated flesh Warm kisses trace without regret The body that lies, the mind that knows Needing to scream out this passion Words that hurt but must be heard This is what is done by both light...
"Giving all without looking back"
Stepping out of shadows, just you and I Your hand taking mine, holding so tight As I follow your lead, no turning back I have no idea what awaits Yet this is how we are Your scent inhaled deep as I breathe Sensual temptation, a naughty wink The air is sweet, nothing compares I feel that sudden rush, wet anticipation Your hands upon my body Taking all that is yours That whisper that melts my soul Heated desire to release The passion that thrives Pulsing, wanting, craving The push, the pull, the sounds A low throaty moan escapes From lips that tremble wanting more Entering the realm of dreams It is our time, our world, us Now we belong to each other Many eyes see and wonder The fact of the matter is that We are more than they will ever know
I will not say your name My lips are yours Yet I hesitate to say it Your presence is known Your thunder rumbles Loud in the darkened sky Words that bring comfort At a distance,a symbol One that only...
Mystifying Rhythm
"A Sensual Tempo"
Lips reaching, seeking, finding truly touching Fingers entwined, legs wrapped tight pulling closer Breasts firm full of want, of need to have those Hands trace his name, his scent, his desire Stamping his print deeply on her skin Finding that...
Once Again
"Souls that seek through space and time until they Reunite"
The moment has come for us to reunite Once again One time you and I were much more than lovers Unstoppable passion, desire and power The land was ours, knowledge, kindness, the Love Once again We have it all, the...
Words of Promise
"Wild unleashed thoughts"
Tell me, will you try to break me? The night brings pleasure, words of promise These last as long as the flutter of the Precious hummingbird’s wings Quickly to kiss, lips that pout, tears of pain Dripping from the windows...
Midnight Flower
"Our Time Will Come"
I call out your name under the Moonlight Even if the Ocean swallows it in vain, taking it deep Burying it within the sands of time, covered, hidden Words that are fire burning without mercy Lifting sorrow, grief and tears...
Thinking, walking, running in circles Hungry hands searching, reaching out On a cool morning, still dark Nothing, blank, stunned, gone Found a crayon as I ran against the wind Picked it up and began to scribble Making images of the...
How many times have I wanted to do it well And sinned by talking too much? Not knowing where, how or when To be silent, shhhh, not a word All those steps walking side by side Don't seem to be...