If I were to say all you are to me straight out No fear to hold me back, nothing at all The words would not be understood, not as they should So much I wish to say yet it never comes out right A cut off sentence, incomplete paragraph Tangled languages weaving my feelings This emotion is such, it burns my existence At times anger or need get the best of me I look into your soul as you do into mine Embracing, as I ask forgiveness for my deeds The line between...
Member: LatinSugar
Tell me, I will listen Speak your truth, say it I expect nothing yet want it all Look deep, past blinded shades Feel yourself within my core Clouds grow yet hearts beat Take with me that desired leap It calls to you in dreams of bliss All we will have is to be seen You shy away from my pull Your frown becomes a smile Birds sing the sweetest harmony Listen to the sounds of the darkness The shades of black that fade A hue of doubt, that certain shine Stars sparkle flaring with joy A blaze that bursts so bright Souls entwined, flame so high I hear you now, your presence clear Melting into a dark swirl of true light Honesty and love keep us close Breathe within my soul, live now Feed my desire, passion and love Shield me as I do you, from all, always
Run away with me, leave the past behind With me you are grounded yet free to breathe Live what was meant to be, smile under the moon With me you will walk to the place you belong Hand in hand, hearts pumping with anticipation Lungs filled with the passion you long for With me, at my side, I will guide your way The world that calls your name, the light Are you willingly to take this chance? Are you ready and decided to stand tall? Are you now unafraid to speak the truth? If so, here I am, as always.. for you While we indulge within our moments Think about the words I say We cannot expect to live forever Yet while we do, do it with me You might shy away, hence here I am I knew you even before you felt me I have a mission, a task, a step to climb Never doubt me, this we share Run away, escape and evolve Allow my body to veil yours No more shadows, no more darkness I will give my last breath to you Rest your aching...
So he said with a firm caring voice Take my hand and learn the ways Are you willingly to be taught? She with a glimmering smile Eyes filled in tears of joy Placed her hand in his Once lost, now found She was in awe of this man A calm yet brave soul He was different from the rest His words reassured her steps These that once were misledTrust overpowered darkness At that one moment Many moons ago She allowed him to lead She followed not falling behind She found strength at his side They live in a world That belongs only to them No intruders, a silent bond This is what most long for Yet will never have or know Those that do, will never let go
How much I miss you Can you feel it? Do you know how much? Beyond the blue sky line Far from the others' thoughts No one can ever imagine Just how much I miss you Not the moon or the...
Each night as he closes his eyes to rest his mind She opens hers, flickers of light flow into his dreams It is she that stood holding him tight, keeping worries away Yet, the rule has changed, now she needs his strength Not a word is said about her, she is everything and nothing Her pain, sorrow, grief and burden cannot compare For his victory, success, knowledge and joy Is to be her reward, so she waits, dies a bit more Every day that passes is harder than the one before The glitter and gold slowly fade from her soul She wants, needs nothing more than his smile Colors, sure, she always speaks of them for that is her Those hues that combine into the path of their existence Where she sits dressed in black is where she is for now She has broken the rule, the one that brought her to him She has fallen in love and now she weeps for he does not Too busy to see that it was her not the crowd that cheered The eternal struggle, the cold rain, the sound of echos She is here and will remain until he awakes to soothe her pain That day will come, she has no doubt for although he does not say He too has fallen with her, this has just begun, makes no sense None at all, that is what keeps them coming back.. home
The taste of those lips, forbidden terrain Eyes gaze at words created from Love or Grief Wanting to feel such sublime bliss or shunning the pain Never a word spoken all emotion orphan No home to seek warm comfort, loving embrace The scent of alone, morning , noon and night That is what some may think Others know better, preferring to overlook Verses that flow into a deep thriving abyss Growing passion that soon will explode Nothing will be held back, all will be known The name of the one that took a soul Time has gone by, days long, tears and fear Yet strength has become wiser behind muffled moans Not a care for a look or a sneer, it matters nothing Stars glow, the moon shines upon this truth The Ocean roars, reigns in their world A whisper honest and finally true Meek are those that choose to be silent Proud are we that stand tall without regret This is now, the past far behind, future to be Lived Hand in hand, a kiss, warm daylight rays The sound of these voices that fight to survive Within a crowd, a puddle of envy
Naked Mind
"A few verses in celebration of us"
Soulmates... two that become one. Sky blue hues flutter with joy, Eyes that see beyond that unspoken line. Bodies entwined, seeking unknown heat. You are mine, as I belong to you. Thoughts that thrive within a naked mind, We shall see how the path unfolds... Hands reach, lips touch, the connection is unique, Hearts that beat to the rhythm of desire, Passion glides between our trust. It plays a wicked game, to win or not? A promise that screams within our hearts, A kiss that implores much more, An embrace that fills the deepest yearn, Lust, greed, desire and need,...
A break, that last gasp The one that leaves a void A silent whisper within dreams Moments of lust lived Now lost yet not forgotten Kisses that once raved Rivers of tears flow Without shame Once, they were of joy Life moves fast Flavors crave, change Shadows become color Two that danced An unheard tune For a bit, a while The music ceased The tempo suddenly stopped A pause, or maybe not It was beautiful Lovely thoughts shared Words exchanged for all to see The time has come You have Yours I have Mine Smile and know Life is grand Come what may
Kiss me now, feel my heat Do not think about maybe nor tomorrow Take in your hands this , your gift One heart beats to the rhythm of the other Your steps will bring you closer to me Fate brought us here today Breathe my desire for you Listen to the whimpers These that grip your aching soul Without mercy, without fear My lips lead your desire Sweet silence our ally, a shudder our bond My nights are yours Your days chose to be mine Our path have crossed We live it, we understand We burn and relive, soothe and comfort With the same yearning always united Look deep into the windows of my soul Your eyes will see what you've always dreamed...