She is a poem One you'd expect to be Rhyme and meter; The usual poetry. But alas! She is wild Untamed, fiery And I am loving her In silence As I shall always be.
Member: lanne
I could make a poem, But words aren’t enough. To describe your beauty, baby, I’d need a lot of stuff. Finest dark brown chocolates, For your lovely eyes. Though it barely does them justice, To have me satisfied. Hair as...
Justin I sat in my car, feeling numb. Yeah sure, I know Ina doesn't give a damn about me anymore. But she should have had the decency not to fuck my twin brother, shouldn't she? I felt like someone clawed...
Ina"Hey, beautiful!" someone wolf-whistled.I didn't look up. The call came from the congregation of guys in ill-fitting suits by the door. Unfortunately, that was the only entrance to the convention hall the school rented out for the night. It was...
"I'm glad you're here. My parents and sisters are out this night and you know how much I hate to be alone," she smiled, looking at Kay, but not at me. Of course she isn't happy to have me here....