Pleasure Cruise Chap 4

"John Kim and the newbies play beach blanket bingo"

Kim and Lily lay next to each other, topless, their skin glistening with suntan lotion. Brian was in a beach chair under an umbrella. His eyes were on the two women. After the threesome with Sara, he was contemplating a...

Pleasure Cruise Chap 3

"Sara enjoys the crew"

Chapter 3Jamal brought the tender to the stern of the yacht, and he helped Kim step onboard the 20 ft inflatable boat. The Calypso Dancer was his first private weekend job and after what he had witnessed so far, he...

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Pleasure Cruise Ch 2

"John enjoys the fruits of Ownership with the newest crewmember"

CHAPTER TWOJohn and Dennis enjoyed watching Sara welcome the new couple to the cruise. When the threesome encounter ended, they looked at each other with stupid grins. Dennis just shook his head. “Skipper, this might be The Calypso Dancer’s best excursion...

Pleasure Cruise

"Open couple invites others for a weekend of sex on their yacht"

Sara zipped up her valise satisfied that she had packed all that she needed. Two bikinis, light wraps for the sun, sandals (one for on deck and a separate pair for onshore, John was a stickler for deck marks), one...

Nanny Diaries

"Interracial power couple brings their nanny into their lifestyle"

“See you Sunday night!”Joan waved at the kids and her parents as she pulled away from her childhood home. She had just dropped off Tasha and Jerome Jr. (JJ) for a weekend with “Gramma and Grampa.” She looked at her...

Friends From Home

"Carolyn meets a couple in Prague who share her with friends"

Carolyn could not believe it. How could she have gotten separated from her crowd in Nuremburg? Yes, she realized the train station was bustling. But Carolyn was in a hurry to get seats for the five of them on the...

Girlfriends Share Black Cock

"Two best friends swap their black lovers for an afternoon of sucking and fucking"

The hot Miami sun beat down on Jennifer’s sun-tanned body darkening her already bronzed skin. Born in the north and sick of the brutal winters she had relocated to sunny Florida in her mid–twenties and never regretted it. Twenty years...

View From the Lanai

"Tara and Roger go to Costa Rica and discover voyeurism"

 Tara The drive from Juan Santamaria airport to the resort was breathtaking. Once we left the airport proper the views of the Costa Rican landscape were filled with green foliage, vivid colors and gorgeous blue sky. The island was beautiful. I...

Sara lifted her head, leaned back slightly and looked over at Dewayne. She shook her head no. At the same time she felt a gentle tap on her bottom and sheepishly realized she was totally covering CJ’s face with her...