My name is Brianna. My girlfriend Tina has written stories about her and me, and she even showed photos of me – with her, with my man, with her man, and by myself.Tina asked me to tell you my story,...

What I Would Teach a Daughter

"What I would tell a daughter..."

I’m twenty-five, and I very much love Rod, my boyfriend of the past three years. And our time in bed together is always of exceptionally superb quality.I sometimes think about what it would be like to conceive a child with...

Proud to be a Slut

"Erotic poem about my hot love life"

I like my cocks longThe foreskin cleanly cutI love when my man’s nine inchesSlowly slide up my buttI’m sexually adventurousNever stuck in a rutThat’s why little TinaIs a slutI have a sweet girlfriendWe each have a boyfriend tooWhen my pussy...


"Hot new black stud turns our trio into a quartet"

I’ve already told the story of how I met my girlfriend and love of my life (well, female love of my life, anyway), of the past seven years, Brianna. And I’ve told the story of how I met my boyfriend...

Farmer’s Market

"Stud meets slut at farmer's market"

It was a warm summer's day in 2015. I was twenty-two-years-old, not yet a year out of college.I had put on a short yellow skirt, a light blue bikini top with pink floral pattern, and my sluttiest, black, strappy high...

My Slut Training

"How I became the sweet loving slut girlfriend I am today"

It takes a lot of practice to be good at anything.For example, I started very young in mastering playing the piano, and now at twenty-five I’m pretty good. Maybe not concert-hall good, but I play flawlessly executed pieces every time.Likewise, being...