Sunlight seeps beneath the curtain as Alice dresses. Moving to the bed, she turns back the gingham blanket covering her suppliant's naked body. Squeezing out some aloe gel, she carefully dresses the cuff marks circling the thin wrists. With tender...

"I'm going to kiss you now, if that's okay.""Depends.""On...?""What's next."Slipping out for a morning pee, I recover the garish inked menagerie covering her naked body with the crumple bed sheet, letting them sleep a little longer.I'm sitting my place, nearly...

The room is the usual shit, made for just this reason."Whatcha hungry for, mommy?"Pretty, young, but twice those years in her eyes already. She shakes her little titties, hoping to bump the score."How many you done today?""You're my first. Been...

"Come, Cara. We'll have a little pleasure. Then you'll be able to sleep."Nodding to his caring face, I follow to our bed. The love is short and sweet.Rolling apart, I wait for his soft, snoring purr before thinking of her.My...

Office Dynamics

"The truth is often hidden behind the throne..."

"Ma'am?"She looks up from the head of the boardroom table."Yes, Alicia?""Time, Ma'am.""Right. Gentlemen, ten minutes. I expect a solution to this mess."Alicia closes the door with one hand and pushes Ma'am against the wall with the other."Expose and splay."Her fingers...

There were seven of us Friday night. All hens, except for me. They called me Egg, because I was the only single left in the group. The cocktails flowed and talk soon slid down to has he ever?"How's 'bout you,...

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