What I’ve Kept For Myself

"At the end of each session, the palette should be cleansed, preferably by fire."

You said we were over, but keep texting back,wanting to know where I hid your stuffbefore you packed things up and went.But I have no closet horde of paltry bitsto validate our time, just my memory's mind,full to overflow.Your hip's...

Life Is The Chance Taken

"Wandering rough, seeking my salvation"

Standing deep inside the alleyway, she had three cups displayed.One said Now.One said Never.The last said Evermore.I held up a battered penny, scavenged from the street.She pulled open the ancient leather trench she wore and held it wide.Her naked body...

The Choosing

"She will know the truth"

Cunts and cocks contested wildly across the orgy-slicked ballroom floor.Then everything stopped, sweat-washed debauchery halted in an instant.In the bewildering silence came a single resounding tick of hard against glass.Heads swiveled, eyes squinted, the balcony doors creaked open.There, bathed in...

My Jack O’Lantern

"From mother to daughter the knowledge was passed, giving solace and salvation to each in turn."

She took great care selecting her pumpkin. The intimacy of inspection raised eyebrows, but this was family tradition, not to be forsaken.That night, under flickering candles, her tongue found the sweet spot and her sharp knife cut true. She eased...