When the nights are endless and the days are over,When the moon doesn't glow and the sun stops shining,When eternal night falls and the blue sky darkens,When the birds stop tweeting and children stop laughing,When conversations end and deals are...
Member: kinky_girl
"Loved and lost."
I wrote you a poem once It talked of what had gone and what was to come Of all the things I didn't know about you And of all the question I wanted answering That Saturday when I woke up...
The Adventures of Anastasia Sapere Part 2
"Anastasia goes back to see Sophie and apologise to Levi, only not how she imagined."
Since my mum passed away it's left my dad, my older twin brothers Shaun and Lewis who are 23 and both work full time, myself and my little sister Gracie who is ten. Shaun is an accountant who goes to...
The Adventures of Anastasia Sapere
"Sophie gets an unexpected treat from Mistress Anastasia."
I'm 18, I'm in my second year at 6th form and it's coming up to my final set of exams. I've applied to the best universities as my predicted grades are good but now I'm panicking I won't make the cut...
An unusual night out
"A loveable, although cheeky, friend takes on a different role after a few too many drinks..."
'Hey, how are you? Enjoying it so far?!' he asked embracing me and ruffling my hair. 'No, not in the least mate. End of the first and we're only up 1-0, what's all that about? We should be all over...
Sick day
"A morning in bed with my fella."
I woke up at 8am to hear my fiance saying, "why does the clock say 8?" Shit, my alarm hadn't gone off again.. I really must remember to change the batteries! I got him to ring work and tell them...