That Lovely Shower

"The more time she spent in his house, the less she hated about it..."

She woke and could feel herself rise and fall with each breath he took.  She smirked to herself, not wanting to open her eyes just yet.  The smell of his skin was salty from the night before.  She stretched her...

That Damn Chair

"She hated that chair... until she found a way to love it..."

She followed him into the house, as she had several times before. This time felt different, though. He had been different today, too. More assertive, rather unlike himself. She could not yet decide how she felt about that. It was...

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His Turn

"She felt it was time she did the work..."

It had been a long day. Again. They all seemed to be lately, so she was extremely grateful to be home. She walked in the door and sighed with relief at the stillness. She knew he must be resting already....