A wonderful feeling had woke her in the middle of the night. Sally Findley was positive that she was either having some type of erotic dream, or that someone or something had been touching her gently between her thighs. The...

When the bell rung, Tina Andrews didn’t stand with the rest of her class to make an escape to the door. Instead she sat, watching as all her classmates left. She was in trouble, and she knew it. The look...

    He ached inside his balls. Joan, had gotten him worked up all through the day, and she knew it, from the way he had been walking.  Finally when in it came time for them to get it on, Tom...

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The Delightful Miss Lawson

"Neighbor teaches young girl"

      Lisa, stood at her bedroom window watching her neighbor Miss Lawson sun-tan. I can't believe she has such a great body, even though she's in her 40's. Lisa thought this everytime she saw her neighbor. In fact she envied...