Claire and John, and Ray

"Three years later."

John and Ray are business partners now. The country is in a tizzy over Global Warming and fossil fuels on top of housing costs and shortage and, of course, the homeless. The government loves the idea of high-density urban in-fill...

Claire And John XII

"A meeting of the minds."

The morning after witnessing his wife Claire in orgasmic delirium with his friend Ray, John lay in bed thinking. He was lucky that he had kept his apartment for use by his college age sons to use when they visited...

Claire and John XI

"Life goes on"

At dinner the night after Ray’s visit, Claire said to John, “I had a visit from Ray this morning. Said he wanted to meet this new baby that was almost his. He was quite taken with Anne and when I...

My Sister Jean

"There's one born every minute"

My brother-in-law, Bob called me to inform me that my big sister Jean had breast cancer. She had found a lump in her right breast and it was confirmed to be malignant.“Why didn’t she tell me herself?” I asked him.“She...

Claire And John X

"The Aftermath"

As Claire’s due date neared, John confessed that his vasectomy had reversed and he was potent again. Claire was ecstatic at the news and invited him for dinner that night.When he arrived she hugged him and declared, “This is our...

Claire And John Part 2

"The chickens come home to roost"

Claire looked around her hospital room. She felt a bit silly being there but because of her age, her doctor had her admitted as soon as the baby dropped rather than wait for contractions to start. He had originally wanted...

Claire And John

"Together again"

A couple of days after Claire started a course of antibiotics for her Urinary Tract Infection, she felt much better. She only missed one day of work. John had spent the night with her.By some unspoken mutual consent, they did...

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Claire VII

"In her own words"

I was not prepared for the loneliness. After John moved out to his little apartment, this house which, for twenty years was a beehive of child rearing family life, is now empty and cold.When we first bought it, we had...

Claire VI

"It is crystal clear now"

As the end of the school year approached, Claire became busy at work. She had lunch with Robert once but when he wanted sex, the best she offered was a half-hearted blow job. When he neared his orgasm, she finished...

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Claire V

"Exploring Options"

Claire stood at the open doorway and dumbly watched the process server get into his car and drive off. “This is a mistake,” she thought, but no, there was her name on the papers.She sat at the kitchen table reading...