Feels Like – 16. Untitled

"Freedom as experienced by college freshmen"

It was the first Friday after Spring Break. I played the sick card. Riva was throwing a party and I couldn’t bring myself to go especially on a Friday night. Instead, I stayed in Tegan’s room while she went. I...

Feels Like – 6. Tales and Guests

"Freedom as experienced by college freshmen"

No one saw the bombshell coming from Benito. We were hanging out in Riva’s bedroom, that’s what we do. “Let’s do something special on Thursday Night. Carl dropped off the Killer-X last night,” Riva said. “I think we should invite...

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692 words 692 words

Feels Like – 19. All better now.

"Freedom as experienced by college freshmen"

We were asleep in her bed. I was spooned to Tegan’s backside. Riva spooned to my backside. She snuggled into the pillow and held us both. I was startled, but conscious of who and where. Tegan seemed unparsed. I let...

Feels Like – 1. Planning The End

"Freedom as experienced by college freshmen"

Chapter 1 of 26.The smell of marijuana is overwhelming. Tegan’s curly blonde hair leads me into the dimly lit bedroom where smoke rises from the group. The door closes to muffle out the sounds of the party. The music in...

Score 110 110
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885 words 885 words

Feels Like – 2. Screwed up tattoo

"Freedom as experienced by college freshmen"

I first saw Tegan in this very bedroom early in the school year at a party. It was the second weekend after my life as a college student had begun, and Riva had invited me to her party after meeting...

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1.2k words 1.2k words

Feels Like – 4. How it started.

"Freedom as experienced by college freshmen"

“It all started on Tegan’s birthday,” I began to explain. “We had had a few drinks, then came back to my dorm room because I had explained to her that her birthday present was there. It was actually Riva hiding...