Unknown Lover Part 2

"We spent the whole night and then the whole day in bed."

I wake up from what I thought was a few minutes of sleep, but it seems as though the sun is out. Is it morning? Did I sleep on this couch? I take a minute to orient myself and realize...

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Unknown Lover Part 1

"Never could I have imagined that a night out in Rome could result in the best sex of my life..."

It is 3:09 pm and my flight has just landed at Fiumicino Airport in Rome. It was a long flight from LaGuardia, New York, and I am very content to finally be at my destination. It's not my first time...

What We Did Last Night – Part 3

"The night took an unexpected turn when you told me we weren't alone."

As you pull away from me on the bed, I hear movement coming from another room. You untie my wrists and ankles, and it only just makes me realize that my limbs are almost numb. You tie my wrists to...

What We Did Last Night – Part 2

"What we did last night was unexpected. Unimaginable. What a thrill."

As I felt you behind me, kissing and nibbling my ear while my ankles and wrists were still tied together, you roughly spread my knees apart. It gave me a jolt of fear and excitement because I didn't expect it....

Last night – part 1

"What we did last night was unexpected. Unimaginable. What a thrill."

Last night, I came home from work with a tingle of excitement in my belly. I knew to expect something different. We used our codeword "date night" to indicate a new sexual experience. It was your turn to choose, to...