My Little Miss Apple Queen 05

"Chapter 5 My Queen and Princess find lesbian love"

Nora and I got home after our tryst at school to find Sherry and the girls sitting on the couch eating popcorn and watching one of the newest super-hero movies. Nora jumped on the couch next to Aimee and snuggled...

My Little Miss Apple Queen 04

"Chapter 4 My Slutty School Girl"

After the weekend that Nora and I had shared things had returned to normal. Sherry and I had our hot weekend that she had promised and more than once I had thoughts of Nora while making love to Sherry. Even...

Chapter 02 The next morning I got up and went down stairs and made my way to the kitchen. The smell of bacon and brewing coffee had called to me from the depths of my sleep and beckoned me to...

My Little Miss Apple Queen 03

"Giving in to the lust"

Chapter 03   When I got home I called out to Nora and got no answer. I looked for her upstairs and down but found no sign of her. I finally decided to look in her “hideout” and so I...

Model Perfect

"I get my first shoot with a model"

In college I had studied hard but my dream was to be a photographer. My mom and dad had not been very supportive and encouraged me to become a teacher. So I studied business and became a teacher. So with...

My Little Miss Apple Queen

"What happens when mom isn't home to help with a crisis"

Chapter 01 My wife of seventeen years was getting ready to leave on a business trip. Her curvaceous form glided across the floor as she packed for her trip. I watched the sway of her hips and the bounce of...