A Love Letter

"When that someone special comes into your life..."

My one true love,How indescribable these last weeks have been. This has to be the most beautiful stretch of days I've ever experienced in my life!! I get so excited that I almost pee my panties.You've burst into my heart...

Grand Rapids’ Conference

"It started in the weight room..."

I jiggled my pocket change as I awaited my ride to the airport. I'd be giving a presentation on the conference's first day, but after that, I was free the rest of the week to go to any of the...

A Happy Ending

"In desperate search of stress relief, she tries massage..."

Thank god the holidays were over. Christmas and New Year's are a bummer when you spend them alone. That was my case; I had broken up with my girlfriend, Jasmine, after Thanksgiving, a big mistake. You should never break up...

A Hot Read

"While tidying up their renters room, she finds a publication that changes everything...."

I married my high school sweetheart. Bill came from what I would call a "old-fashioned traditional" family, and by that, I mean, his mom never worked outside the home and they went to church every Sunday. She cleaned, cooked, had...