A smoothie and exercise after a Run

"What he saw after his run led to more exercise."

It was 1 pm on a Sunday afternoon. Having just returned from a run, Rick entered his back yard wearing his blue Nike running shorts, running shoes, and dripping wet sweaty. It was 83 degrees, but he had so enjoyed...

Rachel’s point of view part 3

"What Rachel saw next led to more than she expected!"

Rachel awoke the next day with the taste of Nicole still in her mouth. As she stretched out her still naked body in her bed, she had to wonder, was it all a dream? The feeling between her legs told...

Rachel’s Point Of View – Part 2

"The result of Rachel's peeking"

Rachel tiptoed back into her room and climbed into bed. As she did she recalled Mark's physique as he made love to his beautiful wife. She could hardly believe what she had just witnessed. She had long admired his body...

Rachel’s Point of view

"She thought she was alone, but what she saw, surprised and excited her"

Rachel was in the second semester of her first year in college. Originally from the Pittsburgh area, she was attending Boston U, and living with her friend Tanya and her parents. This arrangement was saving her money, teaching her some...