The Cabin – Chapter 1

"Sharing a bed with my sister turned into a late night mess"

Chapter 1Every year my mother, sister and I all went to our grandparent’s cabin in the woods just after Christmas to remove ourselves from all the materiality in the world now. Don’t get me wrong, we were materialistic as well,...

A Stormy Night

"A car break-down leads to a strangers house and some erotic night time fun"

No, no she thinks as she suddenly loses power in her car. All the electronics in the cabin flash at her before dying. This can’t be happening, not now she laments in her mind realizing that her car battery had...

Personal Trainer

"Personal Trainer gives client a second work-out"

Justin was a personal trainer. He demanded the very best out of all the people he worked with. If they did not meet expectations, he passed them onto another personal trainer. He had noticed over the years how he seemed...