The Second Time I Sucked Sam Caldwell’s Cock

"Things progressed quickly when Sam's wife left Sam home alone for a few days. I felt more alive than I ever remember feeling before."

Not long after Bonnie left with the kids for an extended Labor Day weekend, Sam picked up lunch for us, and I met him at their house. When I pulled into the open garage bay Sam was standing at the...

Lilla: Fred All To Herself

"Dressed for the beach in her new lace swimsuit, Lilla felt especially sexy."

Lilla might have been too shy to wear her new suit to the beach, but the beach was not her actual destination. She was on her way to Fred and Sally’s house, merrily talking to herself out loud. Not an...

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Lilla: Summer Storm

"Lilla's life had become a ritual but change is inevitable"

As July Fourth approached the humid Gulf coast heat was already overbearing. The beach, Lilla’s near-daily refuge from a sad home life, lacked any hint of a breeze and pushed her early to the shaded Wharf Bar for her regular...

Score 110 110
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3.1k words 3.1k words

Carnal Avalanche Part 1

"Debra allows herself to be drawn into the world of swinging with two other couples."

In the encroaching darkness, Bald Mountain loomed ominously, appearing impossibly close. The steep ski trails, each one an intimidating challenge to my intermediate skills, spilled down the sides of Baldy's peak as if white sauce had been ladled over a...

Beyond Reason

"How a loving forty year old wife loses all reason and follows her need."

I stacked my plate on Tom’s and began clearing the table.“Tomorrow is a training day. I need to be at the office by 7 am and I can’t be late,” I lied, setting the foundation of an excuse for refusing...