One Knight In Heaven

"A knight, a nun, and one hell of a good time."

Driving rain hammered at Roland's armour, as it had done for the last few days and nights. The dark sky roiled and boomed with deafening crashes of unrelenting thunder as angry forks of lightning stabbed down at the earth. Sleep...

Maya Makes Rent

"When life gets expensive, Maya finds creative ways to come up with some cash"

“Goddamn it,” Maya muttered, staring at the glaring ‘DECLINED’ message on her screen. She let the phone drop onto her mattress and rolled over to scream into a pillow. She knew there was no money left in her account, but...

Who Do They Call?

"Who does an escort call when he wants the GFE?"

Have you ever wondered who a doctor calls when he gets sick? Or who cleans a dentist's teeth? What happens when a therapist gets the ol' gloomies?They phone a friend, obviously."Hey, you working tonight?"Claire checked over her shoulder to make...

My Wife’s Girlcrush

"A man's doting wife develops an intense need to get a little of what he's already having; being the loving husband that he is, he sees to it that her dreams are fulfilled."

I groaned, loudly, in frustration. It was nearly half past 8:00 on a late August night and I was still chained to the desk in my small home office, working. I knew that I really only had myself to blame,...

My Big Tiddy Goth Roommate

"What's a little mutual face fucking between roommates?"

"Leaving? Like...actually leaving?""Yes, idiot, leaving! You!" Steph slammed a fistful of her clothes into a suitcase and wiped an angry tear off her cheek." can't leave me now! What about the apartment? The lease? Our stuff?""Oh, real fucking nice," she...